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Automation: Move Objects

Move and rotate cards, pieces, and dice between holders and/or player hands.

Objects to Move

Specify which objects should be moved.

Click Holders / Player Seats... to enter selection mode, objects in selected Holders / Player Seats will be used. Optionally, use the Select Collections... button to choose Collections to limit which types of objects will be selected.

Use the button to allow players to choose specific objects from a list with an Automation Question.

To move objects directly from Player Hands, select the Player Seats for each player. Note: not all rooms have Player Seats but they can be added. More Details Here

To Holders / Player Seats

Specify where objects should move.

Click Holders / Player Seats... to enter selection mode, cards will be moved to selected Holders and Player Seats.

To move objects directly to Player Hands, select the Player Seats for each player.

Number of Objects To Each

How many cards/pieces to move to each Holder / Player Seat.

To deal entire card pile out, set the number to anything larger than the number of objects e.g. 1000.

Use the button to use a number from a Counter widget, or to allow players to change this number with an Automation Question.

Add or Fill-To

Set a maximum number of cards to be put in the To Holders / Player Seats.

Ideal for games where you "Draw to 8" cards, for example.

Add mode will simply move objects to chosen holders each time the automation is run.

Fill-to mode will stop adding cards when each holder contains the number of cards/pieces specified in the Number of Objects To Each setting.

To Location

Where to place the cards in the To Holders / Player Seats

Move Order

Change the order the cards are dealt, when dealing to multiple holders.

Deal one-by-one will go through the To Holders giving each one card, then repeat. Dealing number cards 1-9 to 3 holders would result with: 147 258 369

Move as pile will go through the To Holders giving each holder all the necessary cards at once. Dealing number cards 1-9 to 3 holders would result with: 123 456 789

Starting Holder Offset

Choose which of the selected holders are moved to first

This can be used to rotate who gets dealt the first card.

Example: Dealing number cards 1-7 to 3 holders:

Use the button to connect this to a counter. Adding 1 to the counter after each deal will rotate who gets dealt the first card.

Flip Cards

Flip cards face-up or face-down when moving them.

Determines if moved cards should be flipped face-up, face-down, or kept as-is.


Change the rotation of objects when moving them.

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